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Standaardisatie van informatie

De inventarisatie van databanken met gezondheid- en gezondheidszorggegevens resulteerde in een overzicht van meer dan 8000 parameters die door een tachtigtal van deze projecten verzameld worden. In de eerste versie van het Actieplan eGezondheid 2013-2018 werd de opdracht beschreven om deze parameters te standaardiseren en in een lastenboek voor de IT-dienstenleveranciers op te nemen opdat deze hun producten daarop kunnen aanpassen.

Feedback reports for project “Clostridium difficile” (NSIH-CDIF) are available for participating health care organizations

Feedback reports for the project “Clostridium difficile” (NSIH-CDIF) are available on for the participating health care organizations. These reports were created by the researchers of the service "Healthcare Associated Infections" (NSIH) of the Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP). Login with eID is needed.

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Feedback reports for project "Antimicrobial Consumption in Belgian Hospitals" (NSIH-BEHSAC) are available for participating health care organizations

Feedback reports for the project “Antimicrobial Consumption in Belgian Hospitals” (NSIH-BEHSAC) are available on for the participating health care organizations. These reports were created by the researchers of the service "Healthcare Associated Infections" (NSIH) of the Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP). Login with eID is needed.

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Het nieuwe platform, ontwikkeld door Sciensano (voorheen het WIV) en gefinancierd door het RIZIV, biedt nieuwe perspectieven inzake e-Health door de vereenvoudiging van de registratie en de bewaring van de gezondheidsgegevens die verschillende zorgverleners toesturen. zorgt op termijn voor betere kwaliteit van het gezondheidsonderzoek. 


Clinical Building Blocks (CBBs) are "detailed data specifications of medical concepts in a given context. Sometimes this concerns a single element (e.g. nationality), sometimes more than one element (e.g. medication), but these data specifications remain relatively small. The aim of the clinical building blocks is to specify precisely which terminology can be used without thereby implicitly choosing a given technical standard, reference model, or platform. This is because every care establishment does the latter for themselves. In this sense, therefore, the building blocks are 'agnostic' or 'neutral' (NFU, NICTIZ, 2015)." 

Over Sciensano

De activiteiten van Sciensano (voorheen het Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid; WIV-ISP) passen binnen het wettelijke kader en de prioriteiten van de federale minister van Volksgezondheid en de voorzitter van de FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en Leefmilieu. Onze missie is meer specifiek 'Wetenschap ten dienste van de Volksgezondheid, de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen en het Leefmilieu'.


Payers are organizations or individuals that pay for the healthcare supplied to the patient. These organizations or individuals can be: facilities or people who financially guarantee or who are responsible for the patient (such as parents or guardians of minors), organizations with direct financial responsibility, combinations of these or the patient themselves.


A contact is any interaction, regardless of the situation, between a patient and the healthcare provider, in which the healthcare provider has primary responsibility for diagnosing, evaluating and treating the patient’s condition and informing the patient. These can be visits, appointments or non face-to-face interactions.Contacts can be visits to the general practitioner or other practices, home visits, admissions (in hospitals, nursing homes or care homes, psychiatric institutions or convalescent homes) or other relevant contacts. This only includes past contacts. Future contacts can be documented in the PlannedCareActivity information model.


A contact is a different person than a healthcare provider who is involved in the patient’s care, such as family members, caregivers, mental caretakers, guardians and legal representatives. In addition to identification information such as the name, address and contact information can also be entered. The relationship to the patient and the role this person has can be entered as well.


A person who receives medical care.


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