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Healthdata.be coordonne le work package “NGS collecte de données, stockage des données et management” du Roadbook ‘Médecine personnalisée‘

01.07.2016. Moleculaire detectie vormt nu reeds een integraal deel binnen de klinische diagnostiek in de oncologie. De opkomst van geavanceerde moleculaire technologieën maakt het bovendien mogelijk in een aantal gevallen een behandeling te optimaliseren door rekening te houden met de individuele, moleculaire DNA-kenmerken van de tumor en van de patiënt zelf.

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The CPB (Checklist Pain Behaviour) is a pain assessment tool, that is used to assess pain in children with a limited expressive repertoire or with a profound cognitive impairment, by observing their behaviour. The CPB has ten observations that need te be addressed. The final score indicates whether the observed child suffers pain and 'how much'. The score is often combined with a VAS score that is completed by the nurses on basis of clinical experience.


The Comfort Behaviour scale /Comfortneo scale is an assessment tool, that is used to assess the pain behaviour of neonates (new born).The Comfort Behaviour scale has 7 observation points that that need to be addressed. For each on observation is value is assigned from a 5-point scale, the final score indicates whether the observed child suffers pain and 'how much'. The score is combined with an NRS score that is completed by the nurses on basis of clinical experience.


An important function of the rectum in particular is the temporary storage and excretion of feces, at the moment there is cause to do so. Disrupting the bowel functions can lead to fecal incontinence and constipation.

Les services aux entreprises

En 2015, la ministre des Affaires sociales et de la Santé publique a conclu avec les représentants de l’industrie pharmaceutique en Belgique un « Pacte d’avenir pour le patient avec l’industrie pharmaceutique ». Ce Pacte d’avenir prévoit le développement d’un système d’expertise des registres de patients, permettant une communication mutuelle entre les registres, « analogue à la collecte plus efficace des données épidémiologiques par le biais de healthdata.be, sur la base de propositions de la European Medicines Agency et des États-membres européens, en collaboration avec nos partenaires de l’UE, et dans le respect de la vie privée ».


Hearing is the ability to observe sound, with the purpose of communicating with others, localizing the source of the sound and recognizing certain sounds. This pertains to observing the sound waves, and not processing the sounds in the brain. A hearing disorder can lead to things including communication problems.

Comité de pilotage de la plateforme healthdata.be

L’exécution de la “Convention de collaboration healthdata.be” conclue entre l’INAMI et WIV-ISP est suivie par le Comité de pilotage de la plateforme healthdata.


Sight is the ability to observe lit objects, with the goal of orienting yourself on objects and people in a lit environment. This pertains to observing the light stimuli, and not processing them in the brain. A sight disorder can lead to things including orientation problems.


Traditionally, a family is defined as a group of people of one or more adults who carry responsibility for caring for and raising one or more children. Currently, the term is used more broadly for all forms of cohabitation which form a recognizable social unit, of people who are or who are not related and who have long-lasting, affective bonds and provide each other with support and care.


Traditionally, a family is defined as a group of people of one or more adults who carry responsibility for caring for and raising one or more children. Children can have multiple family situations when they live partly with their father and partly with their mother e.g. after a divorce.Currently, the term is used more broadly for all forms of cohabitation which form a recognizable social unit, of people who are or who are not related and who have long-lasting, affective bonds and provide each other with support and care.


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